How to protect the acrylic sheet?

Acrylic on the market now has high light transmittance, low turbidity, light and strong, good processing performance, rich color, excellent electrical insulation, weather resistance, can withstand high temperature, strong ultraviolet rays, sun, solvent resistance, commonly used chemical Although the acrylic has the advantages of poor impact resistance, the modified acrylic sheet can meet the requirements of the drawing performance in most cases. Based on the above advantages, most people think that the acrylic sheet made after the product does not need to be protected, but this idea is wrong, and it is necessary to have a longer service life and necessary protection of the acrylic fiber product.
1. When the temperature of acrylic is heated to 70 degrees, it will deform. When the temperature exceeds 100 degrees, it becomes soft.
2. Acrylic polishing, if it is a small scratch, you can directly use toilet paper or a cloth to wipe a little toothpaste, if it is a big scratch, I personally don't mind if I use sandpaper to sand the acrylic, if it is sanded, the product is discarded , the appearance of scratches, will be worse.
3. The acrylic sheet should be scrubbed with a soft cloth, do not use any cleaning agent containing granular objects, and do not scrub with various chemical bath agents.
4. Acrylic is easy to crack and damage, pay attention to surface protection.
5. The thermal expansion coefficient of acrylic acid is large, and the temperature change should be considered when installing or installing.
6. If the acrylic product is damaged, use IPS glue/adhesive methylene chloride glue or quick-drying agent.
7. If you want the acrylic product to be shiny and shiny, you can use a liquid polishing wax and scrub it with a soft cloth.
Acrylic products are widely used and can be seen everywhere in our days because of their high transparency, low price, and ease of processing. So daily protection is necessary.